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Our partners

APPA Association des Ports de Plaisance de l'Atlantique

Association des Ports de Plaisance de l'AtlantiqueAPPA (the association of Atlantic marinas) is the continuation of U3P (the union of western marinas) which was created in 1974 to bring together the marinas on the west coast of France, from Dunkirk to Hendaye (excluding Brittany), and which separated from the FFPP (French federation of marinas) in 2004, after having been the latter’s co-founder.

The association is made up of 53 marinas stretching :

  • from the Loire to the Spanish Basque Country,
  • with a total capacity of 30,700 berths.


APPA works to provide advice to marina owners and managers, as well as their staff, about everyday issues and to support them in making essential environmental, technical and regulatory changes in port infrastructure.

In order to assist stakeholders along the entire Atlantic coast in implementing an environmental strategy, APPA has drawn up a charter for effective management of the environment of which each of its members is a signatory.This charter includes 14 commitments which, when executed, guarantee effective port management. A voluntary audit of environmental practices in each port was carried out in 2011-2012 by a specialist consultancy. This audit allowed each port to identify the actions required for the port to meet the charter’s objectives in full. Technical recommendations, cost estimates and a prioritisation of action proposal was also included.



Passeport escalesThis passport, which was created in 1984, aims to encourage berth holders to sail.



Berth holders inform their home ports when they will be sailing, and in exchange receive free stopovers at a network of 82 partner ports.

The port visited invoices the boat’s home port for the stopover.

This system allows berth holders to benefit from free overnight stays and port managers to have a better oversight of the marina and the availability of berths freed by those with annual subscriptions.

Berth holders notify the partner harbour master’s office by telephone or online at where they can also find out how many stopovers they have used and the number of outstanding nights to be redeemed.



To benefit from free stopovers, you must observe the following rules:

  • Register your departure before noon
  • Free stopovers are limited to 2 consecutive nights per port and per stopover. Paying for a third night does not entitle you to a 4th or 5th free night. The aim is to encourage boats to sail more widely.
  • On arrival (or the next day if you arrive in the night), see a member of the port staff in order to carry out the formalities for your stopover in good time. If you only register your arrival on the day of departure, you may be refused a free stopover.
  • The duration of a free stopover is 24 hours, calculated from noon to noon the following day.
  • If you return early to your home port you need to amend your notice of departure (your notice will be amended according to the date of your early return). If you leave again, remember to renew your notice.

Passeport Escales benefits and services are linked to the conditions laid out in the berth contract you hold with your home port: duration of validity, number of ports offering free stopovers, number of free nights possible by port, etc.

Your passport is for a named person and associated with your boat: your Passeport Escales is not assignable or transferable if you sell your boat.



Ask for your Passeport Escales card at the harbour master’s office at your home port.

Activate your account at escale registration)

You can then register your departure for an overnight trip, check how many stopover nights you have used already and the number of nights still to be redeemed.



There are 4 ways to register a departure from your home port and benefit from free stopovers:

Presenting your passport at any harbour master’s office in the network

At at any time of day

Calling +33 (0)2 85 52 04 54 (open 24 hours a day)

On your



The SNSM is an association whose main mission is to rescue, on a voluntary basis and free of charge, human lives in danger, at sea and on the coasts. Its funding is essentially based on the generosity of the public and private partners.

Address : 13, rue des Quais – BP 355 – 85350 – Ile d’Yeu

Telephone :


Website: SNSM - Rescuers at Sea

Discover the 2023 membership letter !